seminar group focused on mathematical computer science, and
computational mathematics. Its name is plagiarized from the
. Boston Computation Club meetings occur roughly every other week, on weekends, around
5pm EDT (modulo speaker availability). The usual format is a 20m presentation followed by 40m of discussion.
Presenters can assume the audience is mathematically savvy, but cannot assume any definitions are known to begin
The Club has no strict leadership but is gently guided by
03/21/24: How and Why to extend First Order Logic for Knowledge-Based Systems, Marc Denecker
03/15/25: An Introduction to LEAN, Jesse Han
03/08/25: An Introduction to LiquidHaskell, Michael H. Borkowski
03/01/25: What is the SOTA in Automated Software Development?, Jesse Han
01/10/25: Combining Causal Inference and Knowledge Graphs, Brook Santangelo and John Sterrett
01/04/25: Hacking GenAI with LLM Red Teaming and Beyond, Gaspard Baye
11/30/24: LB4TL: A Smooth Semantics for Temporal Logic to Train Neural Feedback Controllers, Navid Hashemi
11/17/24: When Static Analysis Meets Large Language Models,
Chengpeng Wang
10/05/24: Abuse-Resistant Location Tracking: Balancing Privacy and Safety in the Offline Finding Ecosystem,
Harry Eldridge
09/28/24: Hacking an LLM Using the Z3 Theorem Prover,
Ian Bicking
09/07/24: Shaken, not Stirred -- Automated Discovery of Subtle Attacks on Protocols using Mix-Nets,
Dhekra Mahmoud
08/24/24: An Introduction to Lurk,
Matej Panciak
08/17/24: Efficient Synthesis of Symbolic Distributed Protocols by Sketching,
Derek Egolf
08/10/24: Radically Better Academic Search With Undermind,
Joshua Ramette
07/27/24: Pragmatic Program Synthesis,
Evan Pu
07/20/24: Verification and Attack Synthesis for Network Protocols,
Max von Hippel
07/06/24: The Algebraic Structure of Infinite Craft,
Arthur O’Dwyer
06/22/24: npm install everything,
Evan Boehs
06/08/24: Compressing a JSON Parser Beyond Comprehension, June Marcuse
05/18/24: `sage --pip install torch` and Other Superhero Origin Stories, Brennon Brimhall
04/20/24: Chess-GPT's Internal World Model, Adam Karvonen
04/12/24: DY Fuzzing: Formal Dolev-Yao Models Meet Cryptographic Protocol Fuzz Testing, Max Ammann
03/24/24: Pegasus Panel,
Jonathan Rugman,
Raya Sharbain,
Elina Castillo Jimenéz,
Prashant Anantharaman,
and Hinako Sugiyama,
in conversation with Holmes Wilson
03/08/24: Bitwuzla: A New SMT Solver For Bit-Precise Reasoning, Mathias Preiner
02/24/24: Protocol Analysis using Real Analysis in ACL2, Max von Hippel
02/16/24: Q&A on Verified Elections, Joe Kiniry
1/27/24: Q&A on Entrepreneurship, Kraettli Epperson
01/13/24: How to Fund your Projects by Remembering One Number, Joe Shiraef
01/06/24: NLP Café #1: Semantic Arithmetic for Visualizing Natural Language, Jefferson Richards
12/15/23: Q&A on Puzzles, Roger Barkan in conversation with Jacob Denbeaux
[Puzzle Builder]
12/01/23: Cascade: CPU Fuzzing via Intricate Program Generation, Flavien Solt
11/19/23: Low Cost Robotics and Semi Open-Sourced Automation, Jan Hennecke
11/04/23: Logic in
Color, Christian Williams
10/21/23: How to Write a Coequation, Todd Schmid
10/07/23: Artificial Intelligence, Openness, and "Existential" Risk: Well Informed Vibes on
What is Hype and What is Real, Avijit Ghosh, David Widder, and Fabio Tollon, moderated by Wei
09/17/23: Open Problems in Probabilistic Programming Semantics, Eli Sennesh
09/09/23: Transferable and Fixable Proofs, Bill Dalessandro
09/01/23: The ChipSec Project, Nathaniel Mitchell and Dan Scott
08/12/23: Packing Chromatic, Bernardo Anibal Subercaseaux Roa
07/15/23: Symmetries, Flat Minima, and the Conserved
Quantities of Gradient Flow, Bo Zhao
06/30/23: ChatGPT on your Personal Corpus in Algovera, Richard Blythman
06/25/23: Unikernel Linux (UKL), Thomas Unger
06/23/23: MariusGNN, Roger Waleffe
06/16/23: Infinite Games -- Strategies, Logic, Theory, and Computation, Joel David Hamkins
06/10/23: Math is Not Relevant, Wei
05/20/23: A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing, Shriram Krishnamurthi
05/13/23: Automation of Medical Form Processing in the Context of Organ Transplantation, Marek Rychlik and Beaker
04/29/23: Q&A on the Philosophy of Games, Christopher Ba Thi
Nguyen in conversation with Wei
04/21/23: Quantity Calculus in Natural Language Semantics, Elizabeth Coppock
04/02/23: Path Finding with Ghihorn,
Jeffrey Gennari
03/17/23: The Process, Challenges, Struggles & Joys of Creating "How to Design Programs", Matthias Felleisen
03/03/23: Reverse Engineering UK Mobile Rail
Tickets, eta
02/12/23: Web3 is Going Just Great, Molly White
02/03/23: How to Give a Good Mathematical Presentation, Anthony Bonato
01/28/23: Implications of Model-Based Phil/Sci for ML, Mel
01/15/23: Quiet: a Web3 Alternative to Discord, Holmes Wilson
01/06/23: Q&A: AppSec from OWASP to Present, John Viega
12/10/22: Challenges Encountered Building Slow Roads, Anslo
12/03/22: Depths of Wikipedia, Annie Rauwerda
11/19/22: Nearly Optimal Property Preserving Hashing,
LaKyah Tyner
11/06/22: Intro to Zero Knowledge Proofs, Gabriel Kaptchuk
10/23/22: Formal Analysis of Ethereum's GossipSub in ACL2s, Ankit Kumar and Max von
10/14/22: Cryptography with Quantum States, William Kretschmer
10/08/22: Mock Theta Functions, Amanda Folsom.
09/17/22: Math Café #11: Prep for Dr. Folsom's Talk, Ammar Husain.
09/16/22: A Conversation on Theorem Provers and Vulnerability Research, Addison Crump and Teddy
09/15/22: Math Café #10: Infinite Dimensional Analysis
(Semi-Continuity), Cheng Zhang
09/04/22: Math Café #9: Infinite Dimensional Analysis (Continuity &
Compactness), Cheng Zhang
09/03/22: A Conversation on Reverse Engineering Tooling, Matteo Giordiano
08/27/22: Blockchain Café #2: Applied Cryptography and APIs, Brennon Brimhall
08/07/22: Math Café #8: Infinite Dimensional Analysis
(Continuity), Cheng Zhang
08/05/22: The
Mobile Network Battlefield in Ukraine, Cathal
07/29/22: A Conversation on Reverse Engineering and Symbolic Execution, Boyan Milanov
07/17/22: Math Café #7: Infinite Dimensional Analysis (Filters),
Cheng Zhang
07/16/22: The Crypto Crash(es), Cristiano Teixeira
07/10/22: Math Café #6: Infinite Dimensional Analysis (Topologies &
Nets), Cheng Zhang
06/19/22: Assessing Recycling,
Displacement, and Environmental Impacts using an Economics-Informed Material System Model,
John Ryter
06/11/22: An Open Discussion on Unionizing Graduate Students, Jacob Morrison and Jeremy Stepansky
06/05/22: Math Café #5: The Collatz Conjecture, Max von Hippel
05/28/22: Efficiently Modeling Long Sequences with
Structured State Spaces, Albert Gu
05/20/22: Hybrid Systems: Not Just For Cars Anymore!, Kimberly Ayers
05/13/22: The Generalized Star
Height Problem, Jean-Eric Pin
05/08/22: Math Café #4: Selected Topics in Kleene Algebra, Cheng Zhang
05/07/22: Math Café #3: Prep for Dr. Pin's Talk, Max von Hippel [NOTES]
04/15/22: When Memory Guards are Crooked and Become
Speculating Snitches, Andrea Mambretti
03/20/22: An Open Conversation on Web3, Spice DAO
03/13/22: Automated Attack Synthesis by Extracting Finite
State Machines from Protocol Specification Documents, Maria Leonor Pacheco and Max
von Hippel
03/12/22: Live Coding: Making a Wordle Scraper and Solver, Jacob Denbeaux
03/09/22: Q&A Regarding the War in Ukraine, Karin von Hippel
03/05/22: Seize the Means of Computation: the Big Tech Disassembly Manual, Cory Doctorow
03/04/22: Topology Homework Session #5: Liveness & Safety
02/17/22: Quantum Computing in Plato's Cave, Daniel Burgarth
02/11/22: Math Café #2, lead by Sam
02/10/22: Topology Homework Session #4: Homotopy Equivalence
02/09/22: Topology Homework Session #3: Continuity & Nullhomotopy
02/06/22: Trojan Source Attacks, Nicholas Boucher
01/22/22: How to Meet Interesting People by Accident & Design, Dan Ritter
01/20/22: Math Café #1, lead by Sam
01/14/22: Topology Homework Session #2: The Quotient Topology
01/13/22: Topology Homework Session #1: The Zariski Topology over
spec R
01/08/22: Covert C2 Channels, Kai
12/15/21: Blockchain Café #1: Formal Methods for Smart Contracts
12/04/21: Feynman Integrals for a Mathematical Audience, Matt von Hippel
12/03/21: Aesthetic and Organic Complexity, Tyler Hobbs
and Bill Cresco, moderated by Joe and Anya
10/29/21: It's Just Math and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves, Jade Edenstar Master
10/24/21: An Extensible and Modular Design and
Implementation of Monte Carlo Tree Search for the JVM, Larkin Liu and (in attendance) Jun Tao Luo
10/15/21: Mathematical Programming Modulo Strings,
Ankit Kumar
10/09/21: Types in PL Research vs Types in Julia, Julia
09/25/21: Labor and Unions, Jacob Morrison
and Adam Keller
[NU Grad Union]
09/18/21: Live Coding Hacking, Max von Hippel (pilot) and Jacob
Denbeaux (copilot)
09/12/21: More Category Theory for More Cybernetics, Matteo Capucci
08/28/21: Compilation Techniques for Reconfigurable Analog Devices, Sara Achour
08/20/21: An Open Question in Category Theory, Alex Martsinkovsky
08/14/21: Minimal Length Representations of Database
Provenance, Neha Makhija
07/30/21: Structural Attacks on Local Routing in
Payment Channel Networks, Ben Weintraub
07/24/21: Linear Haskell, Artem Pelenitsyn
07/10/21: Biology Café #1: The Illogical Nature of Chemical Nomenclature, Sophia von Hippel
06/25/21: Q&A, John Launchbury
06/13/21: Modeling
Content and Context with Deep Relational Learning, Maria Leonor Pacheco
06/06/21: Quantum Café #5: Formal Methods (revisited)
05/29/21: Homotopy Type Theory 101, Carlo
05/15/21: How Does a Health Actuary Estimate a Reserve?, Paul Johnson
05/01/21: Assembly Programming for M1, Chris Patuzzo
04/25/21: Open Discussion
04/17/21: Quantum Café #4: Grand Unified Theories
04/11/21: Project Waves, Jacob Denbeaux
03/27/21: Introduction to Operational Security, The Grugq
03/21/21: Quantum Café #3: Syntax and Semantics
03/13/21: Concurrent Interpretations of Authorization Logic, Andrew K. Hirsch
[PAPERS: 1,2,3]
02/28/21: Quantum Café #2: Noisy Quantum Gates
02/27/21: Nuclear Non Proliferation - Role of Citizen Scientists, Frank N. von Hippel
02/21/21: Quantum Series #2: Entanglement, Billy Kalfus
02/13/21: Quantum Café #1: Formal Methods
02/07/21: Quantum Series #1: Fundamentals, Billy Kalfus
01/24/21: Algorithmic Artwork, Tyler Hobbs
01/09/21: Category Theory for Cybernetics, Jules Hedges
12/27/20: Dilemma Languages & Moral Codes, Max von Hippel
12/13/20: Compositional PCA for Microbiome data, Jamie Morton
11/29/20: Parsing Real-World Data Formats, Prashant
11/15/20: What Decentralization Is And Isn't, Paul Miller
11/01/20: The Yoneda Lemma, Tyler Bryson
10/17/20: Overfitting Management in ML Applications,
Frances Hubis
10/03/20: Testing the
Paradigm of Asteroidal Dust around White Dwarfs, Ted von Hippel
09/20/20: Implications of Collaborative Filtering, Jacob
09/06/20: Graph
Representations for Higher Order Logic, Sam Stites
08/16/20: Programming from
Galois Connections, Max von Hippel
[NOTES full of typos]